For Thranconia, I've been grappling with the Initiative/Turn Sequence for a long time. I really wanted to give the SR-Rating for weapons a go, I thought it was great in the mass-battle we did before Thranconia I 2 years ago. But, I found I don't like the blocky nature of the Holmes initiative sequence that I hung the system on.
I instead want to switch to the traditional 1d6 group initiative from AD&D 1e and Basic D&D (and Adventurer Conqueror King for that matter).
I think it will make dungeon battles go more smoothly and faster.
I've tried to make the weapons charts more interesting and incorporate the RESULTS of the SR system without the numerical framework. These things will mostly be important to Fighters who want to get interesting benefits from weapons choices, but everyone will likely notice 1-2 small details to their advantage.
I'll be updating the Gear Book and the Wiki on combat rules in the near future, but the actual changes to game play will be very easy to see and will make things smoother and faster. For example, the long weapons will often get an Extra Attack at first contact, instead of having to have a melee phase match up, and Charges, Picking things off the ground and Fighting Withdraws will be easier to manage.
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