Monday, December 4, 2017

Xenon Points (XP) discussion: Proposal #2

Here's a sketch of a second version of the XP rules, based on our discussions last night.

  • When a player shows up for a game, all 3 of his characters get 1 XP
  • The character who takes part in the night's adventure gets an additional XP
  • If the players achieve the adventure goal (or achieve 500gp each in treasure taken if they are strictly treasure hunting), the participating character gets a third XP.
  • To advance to each level from 2-6 requires 6 XP
  • To advance to each level from 7-12 requires 9XP
  • To advance beyond requires 12XP per level
  • Whoever DM's the session gets the same XP as the average player for the session and an amount of gold equal to the average treasure take of the party (but no items).


  1. I didn't mean to shoot down your "one dice adventure" idea, but I really like this so much better.

    I'm cool with the slowed advances for levels 7+. For that matter, I doubt we'll get that far.

    When characters invariably die, I also believe that the character tree as well as the 1XP for each character on the tree will make starting a first-level replacement a breeze. If that should become a challenge in the future, we can revisit it but I believe it is fine for now.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Going by these rules, shouldn't the PCs who retrieved the crab (accomplishing the goal) have gotten 3 xp? Just sayin'.

  4. Congress shall make no ex post facto laws

  5. Bottom line: At least one character in our tree should be leveling every 2-3 game sessions.

  6. My main concern is that I want to get out of the "1 enemy crit can insta-kill you" zone as quickly as possible, and I think by 3rd level we should be fairly safe, so my proposal is this:

    To advance to each level from 2-3 requires 4 xp
    To advance to each level from 4-6 requires 6 xp
    To advance to each level from 7-9 requires 8 xp
    To advance to each level from 10-12 requires 10 xp

    From then on it's 12 xp same as your plan. Everything else in your plan I would keep and add the following rule: No character can level up w/o having been played in at least 1 session at the previous level. Basically, no one can get to 2nd lvl w/o having played that PC at least once at first, and so on. DMs would get one waiver of this rule for every 2 sessions DMed. Whaddya think?

  7. I, on the other hand, don't want to race out of level 1-2 land. A lot of good quality gaming happens at those first few levels that I don't want to rush through.
    I think the 3 point for session and 6, 9, 12 advancement is a good compromise. 2 sessions in the spotlight per level then 3 then 4.

    1. "2 sessions in the spotlight per level then 3 then 4" would only hold true if we got 3 points every single session which isn't likely. Since we only made 2 points last session it's already going to take 3 sessions for just THOSE characters to get to second level.

    2. Didn't mean that as a complaint, I'm just saying that's not a selling point.

    3. The first session was special, since it had very little real risk, and weren't using the 0 hit points equals rest the next session rule. The 2 pointers from last session need one session and one rest session to advance. 3 points per session will be the norm under proposal 2

    4. Sounds fine then. What about my rule about having to play a PC to level?
