Monday, December 4, 2017

Establishing the In-Game Calendar

The in-game calendar goes as follows.

The beginning year is 1173 of the 12th Age of the World (a new age begins when all the long-lived Grey Elves who are alive at the end of the last age have died, this typically lasts somewhere from 2000 to 3000 years).  Each year is 336 days long.

Each year has 12 months, each month is 28 days long.  The months are named by their numerical order:
First-Month, Second-Month, Third-Month, Four-Month, Fifth-Month, Sixth-month, Seventh-Month, Eight-Month, Ninth-Month, Tenth-Month, Eleventh-Month, Twelfth-Month

These, weather and season-wise, correspond to our 12 months  (i.e., First-Month = January,  Eight-month equals August).

Days of the Week
The days of the week are the same as ours, but since there are exactly 4 weeks in each month, the days of the week always fall on the same dates, every month:
Monday:  day 1, 8,  15,  22
Tuesday:  day 2, 9, 16, 23
Wednesday: day 3, 10, 17, 24
Thursday:  day 4, 11, 18, 25
Friday:  day 5. 12. 19.26
Saturday:  day 6. 13. 20, 27
Sunday:  day 7, 14, 21, 28

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