Monday, December 4, 2017

Monster Saves

It occurred to me in our game last night that we might consider asking PC players to roll to see if a monster fails its saving throw. It would really help the GM, and make some "save or suck" cantrips feel more like an attack.

When a character forces an opponent to make a saving throw, that player instead makes a saving throw check. The bonus to the d20 roll for a saving throw check equals the effect’s save DC − 8.

The DC for this check equals 11 + the target’s saving throw modifier. On a successful check, the character overcomes the target’s resistance and treats the target as if it failed its saving throw. On a failed check, the target is treated as if it succeeded on its save.

As with attacks, the saving throw check has advantage if the target would have disadvantage on its saving throw, and vice versa.

1 comment:

  1. I have no objections. Next time you are in the judge's chair, why don't you run us through it and show us how it's done?
