Stefan Malju - AKA
Evil Eye
By day, an executive from Trintopec, the new petroleum company in Trinidad. By night, he is the invisible avenger the "Evil Eye." He was given the mystical power of invisibility by the ghost of the leader of a slave revolt named Sandy, and directed to take his talents to Gotham to prevent “the enslavement of the entire human race.” He uses his powers and considerable skills to right the wrongs perpetrated by the powers that be in Gotham.
Human Male
Rank: Seasoned (20XP)
Attributes: Agility: d10, Smarts: d4, Spirit: d4, Strength: d6, Vigor: d8
Skills: Boating: d4, Drive: d4, Fighting: d6, Knowledge: Business d4, Notice: d4, Shooting: d10, Stealth: d10, Streetwise: d4, Penumbral Step: d10
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 6
Edges: Arcane Background - Superpower (Invisibility), Combat Reflexes, Two-Fisted, Extraction, Dodge
Hindrances: Bad Luck (major), Cautious (minor), Quirk - He loves to take trick shots (minor)
Powers: Penumbral Step (Invisibility, Darkness)