Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Balancing the Team

My player character has an advance coming next game, and I'm debating where to spend it. I'm considering dropping it on making Maria a crack driver, but it occurs to me that we rely on Maria mostly for her questioning and persuasion skills which could use a boost. What are you guys planning on taking?


  1. Captain Avalanche increased his Piloting and Throwing to d6 I want to actually get good at the auto-gyro someday (and want to throw grenades dependably).

    I am going to try Doctor Rhombus soon though. He might be a good fill in for Sister Maria, reading minds instead of interrogation

  2. Also, Doctor Rhombus took an armored limo for his special item, but can't drive (the owner doesn't drive the limo, after all).

  3. I gave American Fist Two-Fisted. What else? Now being Ambidextrous will be worth something.

  4. I decided to split the difference and get better at Persuasion AND Driving. Look out! Woman driver!

  5. Puma Man can heal now! Well, he has the potential to, at some point I suppose.
