Thursday, July 16, 2015

Sister Helena leaves Amicus' Service

Since the Skull Collectors' trip to Jotunheim, Sister Helena - Blessed of Juno has leveled. In preparation for taking her to the next level, she needed a morale check to stay with Amicus which was a failure of epic proportions. Consequently, Helena has left Amicus' employ. I'm going to take the liberty of saying that she doesn't leave Gatavia immediately with all her loot and stuff. Maybe she at least stays civil with King Amicus. I want to say she still believes in what the Skull Collectors are doing, she is just sick of being in Amicus' shadow and wants to perhaps set to work building an cloister for her order. She did have a vision that one time she died, after all!

Would anyone else like to take a shot at recruiting her? She is now an 8th level Bladedancer, flush with a whole lot of cash and blinged up with some magic swords. Alternately, we could offer her as a character to a new player who joins us at the table. Failing that, I'll leave her to become another NPC in the Gatavia area.


  1. since i lost decius i am looking for a suitable replacement
    i already have one blade dancer in my employ
    i can pay her an additional month's wages and i gain a +1 because of my leadership
    roll the dice for me and see how i go at recruiting her

  2. If that roll fails, I'm also going to be looking for a replacement or two after muttering osborne took off as reincarnated monkey.

  3. The first roll failed, but Rinaldo offered a bonus up front for a second roll that succeeded. Rinaldo's cast of henchmen continues to grow. Perhaps Tiberio could negotiate with Rinaldo to provide bodyguard duties?

  4. lets give tim first crack at hiring sister helena then
    i only wanted to pick her up cos she seemed to valuable for the team to lose

  5. Fair enough. Tim, I would be happy to roll for you. What recruiting bonuses does Tiberio have?

  6. +0 charisma modifier, but I do have leadership. I can also offer a large amount of gold as a bonus. if it would help I could offer 2 or 3 months pay, whatever that would be. can you get a bigger bonus for that?

  7. If you offer 3 months of pay, that will do. I'll send over her stats and gear when I have a chance.

  8. sure thing. 3 months bonus up front. I'll look up what that will be an mark it down.

  9. Sister Helena is now in Tiberio's employ.
