Monday, May 18, 2015

Session 41 - Action Shots


  1. [david attenborough]

    and here we see the manicore in his natural environment, notice the poachers in white robes and circular surfboards closing in, the poacher highly value the manticore barbs as they make excellent toothpick bribes to ward off any potentional threat from cyclopean advances
    [/end david attenborough]

  2. And thanks to this session, Jason's NPC list is cleared out in one battle.

    1. That bites. Are they all perma-dead?

    2. Honest Achmed was an NPC that I had since the last D&D campaign, that I was never quite able to get the group back to face. I didn't keep the notes, but he had a pretty snazzy mansion.

      Hog was, in my mind, the unofficial ruler of the half orcs in the Badlands. Maybe not ruler, but certainly hero to all of them. The only thing keeping you guys from getting mobbed by half orcs in town was the throwing around of big damaging spells.

    3. Ah. I mixed up NPCs with henchmen. Good to know one and two Axe Jack are ok.

    4. i think we coud have taken on the big mobs of half orcs in town without any sort of problem anyway

  3. I'll try to have the log done over the weekend.
