Monday, February 22, 2021

Thranconia thoughts so far.

As of now, we have had 2 solo parties play adventures (my Up to Gnome Good,  Andrew's Goblin War), one two-player party (Gordon's Alive!  Andrew and I) and 1 multi-player party (Cat's Back:  Bob, Jason, Quinton and Andrew).    All within a week.

I couldn't be more pleased with that result.    We have a bunch of people all doing different things.   Players are driving the adventures.   Andrew picked the goblin war,  Bob the return to Quellintan,  Gnomes are just being gnomes.  

Big thanks to Andrew for finding Owlbear Rodeo.   Having the dungeon map pre-set with counters and covered by fog was absolutely awesome for traditional exploration and with this software amazingly easy.   The token maker is totally great too.

I know that getting used to the turn sequence will take a little time.   It is very 70's miniature warfare based and so seems strange, but given a little time, I think it should be worth it.  I think we can use it effectively to give people serious tactical choices and make them have to make trade-offs, which is part of the point of games.

On the other hand, if people just hate it we can re-work it.    We could simplify to "I do all my stuff, you do all your stuff, bad guys do all their stuff" system if we want to.   We could then tart up the weapons a little to mimic the SR system effects.  I'm open.

If other people want to do some solo play and want me to help you put some things together, let me know.   I'll post the logs and everything.


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