Deadman's Town, Sector 2 will be ready for all future adventure sessions. Since you guys had been taken there by portal the session before last, I'll post the pictures below. You can reach it by entering the portal in the large obelisk in sector 1 (inserting an Atlantean Orb), or by walking overland, which takes about an hour.
This area is rated at Danger-Rating 2: meaning that the typical encounter has 3d6+1 HD of bad guys and about 150gp of treasure (apart from the hoard of the level--rated at 1000gp per HD of the "boss"). Up till now you've been doing DR 1 encounters (1d6+2 HD, 50gp) as the standard. So, I'd suggest having some or most of you being 2nd level and having a few retainers before going there.
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