Monday, November 4, 2019

Schedule Apocalypse--See You All in December

What ho folks,
It seems that Colonel Leslie's Final Secret will have to wait until December.   Nearly everyone has come down with schedule conflicts of one form or another.

I've decided that the next Official Game will be Sunday, December 8th, 4pm.   I will run my D&D adventure.   I will defrost the hot dogs and have  Free Hot Dog Day then.

As a bonus, if anyone is free and interested, I am also going to host a paint and build day, Sunday, December 1, regular time and place, if anyone is interested in doing a little miniatures painting over the Thanksgiving weekend.


  1. I would love to paint miniatures! I just bought some more like a big dummy, and this show is going to keep me busy for a few weeks so I won't even get to it until December. This is perfect!

  2. I won't be able to make it to painting night after all, but I'm still on board for the 8th to get my free hot dog!
